4 UK leading schools & Colleges
Tuesday 21 February 2017 -
16:00 to 20:00

You are invited to attend a special seminar on "British Boarding Schools and Sixth Form Colleges How to be prepared for life at a UK boarding school" by four UK leading boarding schools and Sixth Form Colleges (Harrogate Ladies' College, MPW Schools, St Edward's Oxford, and Taunton School International). This is a good opportunity for you to meet and ask a question and receive good advice from a representatives.

Tuesday 21 February 2017
16.00 - 20.00 pm.
British Council Siam Square

About speakers & seminar topics

Speaker Institution Topic
Miss Helen Semple
Deputy Head
Harrogate Ladies' College Benefits of an all girls boarding school
Mr James Burnett
International Director
Mander Portman
Woodward Schools

Sixth form study - A levels and the IB Diploma
Ms Pamela Keeley-Butler
Deputy Registrar
St Edward's Oxford
Co-Education: realism, respect, confidence
Ms Lisa Palmer
Director of Marketing & Admissions
School International
The successful pathway to British boarding schools

For more details, please contact British Counicl at 02-657 5678

E-MAIL: studyuk.thailand@britishcouncil.org