Wednesday 09 May 2018 -
13:30 to 17:17

Cafe Scientifique 2018: Success stories of research under Newton Fund

About cafe scientifique

The British Council, the Office of Higher Education Commission (OHEC), and the Thailand Research Fund (TRF) are now accepting applications for Institutional Links programme, a Thai-UK joint research grant totalling £700,000. 

To support this, we hosting a Cafe Scientifique to share the stories of research under the Newton Fund. The session is open to public and will cover the following topics:

  • Portable paper for detection of food contamination
  • 'International Network for shrimp health (INSH)' to bridge the gap between research, policy and the farmer
  • Enhancing Thailand's Ecosystem for Entrepreneurship
  • Planning for Eco-cities and Climate-resilient Environments: building capacity for inclusive planning in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region (PEACE-BMR)
  • Towards Precision Agriculture

This is an opportunity for you to get to have a cup of coffee (or tea) in a cafe while getting to cutting-edge science in simple language. Meet the researchers and join us for an hour packed of science. 


13.30 Registration
14.00 Opening remarks

1 - Portable paper for detection of food contamination by Dr. Tirayut Vilaivan (Chulalongkorn University)


2 - International Network for shrimp health (INSH) by Dr. Kallaya Sritunyalucksana (BIOTEC)


3 – Enhancing Thailand's Ecosystem for Entrepreneurship by Dr. Wanna Temsiripoj (King Mongkut University of Technology Thonburi)


4 - Planning for Eco-cities and Climate-resilient Environments by Dr. Wijitbusaba Marome (Thammasat University)


5 - Towards Precision Agriculture by Dr. Panote Thavarungkul (Prince of Songkla University)

15.25 Announcement of Newton Fund Institutional Links 2018/19
16.00 Event concluded