Coventry University
Friday 01 October 2021 -
16:00 to 17:15

Coventry University ASEAN Lecture Series

It is difficult to imagine a world without the internet or mobile devices. They have become core elements of our lifestyle and have brought a high degree of disruption to virtually every area of business. The financial services (FS) industry is no exception; the digital revolution is transforming the way customers access financial products and services.

Although the sector has experienced a degree of change in recent years, the constant penetration of technology-driven applications in nearly every segment of FS is something new. At the intersection of finance and technology lies a phenomenon that has been accelerating the pace of change at a remarkable rate and is reshaping the industry’s status quo – it is called FinTech.

In fact, funding of FinTech start-ups more than doubled in 2015 reaching $12.2bn, up from $5.6bn in 2014 based on the companies included on our DeNovo platform. Cutting-edge FinTech companies and new market activities are redrawing the competitive landscape, blurring the lines that define players in the FS sector

All sectors within Financial Services will be impacted but not more so that consumer banking where 80% of its operations are expected to be disrupted in the next 5 years. Second after that is fund transfer and payments where 60% of its operations will be disrupted.  

At the end of the presentation, the audience will be introduced to the Bloomberg terminal which will be used to analyse FinTech companies. The audience will then be asked to develop an idea of a FinTech solution for a local market. This will be done in groups and the ideas presented to the audience.  

Academic Biographies

Dr Lien Luu is an Associate Professor and Curriculum Lead in Finance at Coventry University, where she enjoys teaching and researching about financial planning, wealth management, retirement planning, personal finance, and property investment.  

Lien worked in financial services for 10 years and is qualified as a Chartered Financial Planner, a CFP professional, and a Registered Life Planner.  

She has published the following books in personal finance: 

  1. L Luu, J Lowe, J Butler, and T Byrne, Essential Personal Finance: A Practical Guide for Students (Routledge, 2017) 
  2. J Lowe, J Butler, L Luu, Essential Personal Finance: A Practical Guide for Employees (Routledge, 2019) 
  3. L Luu and Q Tonthat, Buying your home: A practical Guide for first-time buyers (Routledge, 2021) 
  4. L Luu, J Lowe, P Ring, and A Sahota, A Practical Guide to Financial Services: Knowledge, Opportunities and Inclusion (Routledge, December 2021) 
  5. L Luu, B Nissah, P Gallacher, Practical Strategies to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early (Routledge, 2022 – in progress) 

Dr Thang Nguyen is currently an Assistant Professor in Finance in the Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity in Coventry University. His expertise is in the research areas of Fintech and crowdfunding. His researches have been published in top-quality journals such as British Journal of Management and Journal of Corporate Finance. As a recognised scholar in the field, Dr Nguyen was sponsored by the British Council – ‘Newton Fund Research Links Scheme’ to participate and present at “Developing an agenda for FinTech research in emerging economics” international workshop in November 2017 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [area of specialisation - crowdfunding]

Dr Pythagoras N. Petratos is a Lecturer in Finance at Coventry University. Previously he was doing research at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford and he was a Departmental Lecturer in Finance at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. He has also taught at numerous Universities, in the UK and abroad, including ESCP and the University of London. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of London examining corporate finance, entrepreneurial finance and valuation of new technologies. In addition, he is interested in cyber security, risk management and investment, and FinTech. 

Dr. Viet Le is currently teaching Finance at Coventry University. Viet has been teaching and researching a wide range of Finance areas including FinTech, Corporate Finance and Investment. Prior to Coventry University, he was teaching at Newcastle University London and Middlesex University. [area of specialisation - payments] 

* The session has technical requirements and participants will need to attend with a laptop.
** The British Council provides information only but does not organise this event.