You get extra help to do your IELTS preparation when you register for IELTS with the British Council in Thailand. Here’s what is included in your IELTS test fee: 

  • Your access to the free online preparation courses: 'IELTS Ready Premium'
  • Five extra IELTS Test Report Forms for free – and we also send these test report forms free of charge to institutions you’re applying to (e.g. immigration offices, universities etc.)

Available IELTS exam dates and how to register for IELTS online

You can take your test at one of our official test centres and choose if you want to do IELTS on paper or IELTS on a computer. To do your IELTS registration all you need is a valid identification document and a bank card if you want to pay online.

IELTS at British Council Thailand Fee Available test dates
IELTS Academic - in centre
(paper or computer)
THB 7,650 Find a test date

IELTS General Training - in centre 
(paper or computer)

THB 7,650 Find a test date

IELTS for UKVI Academic - in centre 
(paper or computer) 

THB 8,300 Find a test date

IELTS for UKVI General Training - in centre 
(paper or computer) 

THB 8,300 Find a test date

IELTS for UKVI Life Skills (A1 and B1) - in centre

THB 6,500 Find a test date

Remark: IELTS on Computer delivery in Chiang Mai is temporarily closed between April to June 2025 and we will resume normal operation in July 2025. During this time, you can register IELTS on Paper in Chiang Mai with test session available every weekend.

You can find IELTS Registraton Guide HERE

What you need to register for IELTS

  1. Make sure you have a valid ID at hand (Thai national ID card or passport). Please note you will have to present the same Thai national ID or passport that you use for registration on test day. Different, invalid or expired passport or national ID card will not be accepted, and you will not be allowed to sit the test. Please note that candidates under 18 years of age have to supply written consent by a parent or guardian in order to apply for a test place.
  2. Download and read our Information for Candidates, which contains important information about the test format, the question types and the test results. Please note that IELTS is not recommended for test takers under the age of 16. 
  3. Pay for your test. You can pay for your test through our online registration system HERE. For in person registration, visit our authorised registration partners. 

Important registration information for IELTS on paper

If you’re not officially a resident in Thailand, you will not be able to sit an IELTS on paper test. However, you can still take the test on computer so please do choose that option.

Already booked an IELTS on Paper test and you do not hold Thai nationality?

You will need to show proof of residence in Thailand, valid for at least 3 months, by email at least three days before your test date.

Acceptable proof of residence includes:

1.     A valid Student Visa (stating purpose, length of visa and expiry date) stamped in the passport.

2.     A valid Work Permit (2 documents) including Visa (stating status and expiry) stamped in the passport and Work Permit card (showing expiry date).

After you have made your IELTS booking 

You will receive emails confirming:

  • the start time of your test and the venue address
  • your IELTS Speaking Test date
  • your access to the free online preparation courses: Road to IELTS Last Minute Version 

IELTS test date confirmation

Once you have completed the IELTS registration, you will receive an email confirmation giving you the start time of your test and the venue address. 

Your IELTS Speaking test may be scheduled on the same day as the other sections, or on a different day within a 7 day window before or after your main test day. The IELTS Speaking test on weekdays and Sunday will be running from 0900 – 1800 hours. Confirmation email will be sent to you 3 days prior to your written test.

After booking your test, you will also receive an automatic email with your access codes to the free online IELTS preparation course: 'IELTS Ready Premium'.

You will also receive your IELTS Reference Number to access the Test Taker Portal. Please make sure that you have included your email address correctly when you book your test.

More information about doing IELTS with the British Council Thailand 

Download and read our Information for Candidates to learn everything you need to know about the IELTS exam format in Thailand, the different exam components and what your IELTS exam results mean. 

Group Bookings

If you are an institution or language school and would like your students to take the test at your premises (bulk registration), please complete this form .