IELTS preparation tips and free IELTS practice materials
We have everything you need to prepare for your IELTS test in Thailand, including a wide variety of free IELTS preparation materials. Start preparing for your IELTS exam today
Find out how you can book your IELTS test online in Thailand
We have everything you need to prepare for your IELTS test in Thailand, including a wide variety of free IELTS preparation materials. Start preparing for your IELTS exam today
Success starts with IELTS – it’s your end goal that matters. IELTS is accepted as evidence of English language proficiency for higher education and global migration.
Choose the right test based on where you want to go and what you want to do.
Important notice for non-Thai IELTS test takers in Thailand IELTS with the British Council just got better! Results typically in 1-5 days with IELTS on computer Where can you take IELTS in Thailand?
Book your British Council IELTS exam online and access our exclusive free IELTS preparation materials today
Why choose IELTS on Computer? More available test dates & location – IELTS on Computer has more test sessions throughout the week and available in 11 locations nationwide. Choose your test dates here
You can preview your IELTS results online 13 calendar days after the test on the online registration system. Find out when and where you can get your IELTS results.
IELTS One Skill Retake is a new feature designed to help you get your desired test score without retaking the full test.
You can access all the information relating to your IELTS test in the Test Taker Portal
To help your IELTS test day go as smoothly as possible, we’ve put together information and advice about what will happen on the day of your IELTS test in Thailand.
Make sure you are familiar with our British Council IELTS cancellation and refund policy – if you are looking to cancel or reschedule your IELTS test in Thailand, find out more here.