Prof Dr Agachai Sumalee

University of Leeds 

Social Impact Award Finalist 

Prof Dr Agachai Sumalee has enjoyed a successful career as a world-class academic in the field of transportation, spending time in the UK, Hong Kong, and Thailand. He has successfully transferred his knowledge of the concept and its technology to improve Thailand’s transportation system, including reforming the bus regulation system in Bangkok, the National GPS system for road safety, and the All-Thai taxi system, as well as serving on several government committees. He recently led the implementation of the Taxi OK system to improve the quality of the taxi service in Bangkok. 

Prof Dr Agachai Sumalee has played a leading role in shaping the transportation planning and policy in Thailand. He is both academically and politically influential and currently advises the government on key transport related issues to improve road safety, the public transport service, and technology deployment in Thailand.

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