Chase Grammar School

City/Town: CANNOCK, Staffordshire

Region: Northern England

Chase Grammar School is a modern, day and boarding school with an on-site day nursery. We cater for all aspects of child care and education from infancy to A Level.

Since 1979 it has provided high quality independent education at an affordable price to the families of Cannock and beyond.

Class sizes are small, so that teachers can teach, and pupils can learn. This results in high expectations and a high standard of academic success; the school is very proud

of its examination results, which are among the very best in the country.  While there is a Christian ethos we welcome children of all faiths. Our International

Study Centre lends an exciting cosmopolitan air to the site, especially important given the growth of the global community.

Our main criteria for admission to the school is that a child will be able to thrive at the school and become a good member of the community. The only examinations

for entry are for the award of scholarships. Normally, we ask a child to spend a day with us at school, so that pupil, parents and school can then make an informed

decision about entry. Our aim is to help children develop in as many directions as possible, to encourage excellence, and prepare them for their role beyond school.

Chase Grammar School offers education for overseas students, both in the specialised International Study Centre and within the main school.

Students who already possess good working skills in English may join the main school directly.