New Academic Year Ahead! Enjoy an early bird discount of up to 10% when you register your child for our English courses for young learners by 31 March 2025. Terms and conditions apply.


Your child will learn English naturally through play and Timmy's stories

Introducing English to your child between the ages of four and six allows them to learn the language naturally. 

The British Council's early years specialists designed Learning Time with Timmy to be fun and engaging for your child. Our approach also nurtures your child's creativity, critical thinking and social skills as they learn English. It boosts their self-confidence and helps them develop communication skills and good pronunciation. Find out more about how we teach.

We have partnered with Aardman animation studios because the stories in Timmy Time, help your child learn new words in context. Timmy and his friends will capture your child’s imagination and make learning enjoyable. This approach helps your child remember what they learn and builds a strong foundation in English.

Improve your child's learning with our world of English expertise. 

Course overview

  • Full year course: THB29,500 per term
  • Term A: May - October
  • Term B: October - April
  • Age: 4-6 years
  • Location: Bangkok (Siam Square)

Age 4-5 years: What will my child learn?

What your child learns in this English course:

  • How to join in songs and stories, and build their English vocabulary
  • They’ll be able to follow a story with pictures or props
  • How to listen to stories with more attention and recall and anticipate key events
  • Grouping and naming objects, to extend vocabulary
  • Your child will begin to talk about the size of everyday objects in English, e.g. 'big' and 'small'
  • They'll look closely at similarities, differences, patterns and change
  • How to recognise and recite numbers to 15 and use some number names accurately in play
  • Your child will start to write and draw shapes, using the correct writing grip on pencils and paintbrushes
  • How to use phonics to link sounds to letters

Age 5-6 years:What will my child learn aged?

What your child learns in this English course:

  • How to identify and describe main story settings, events and principal characters, and suggest how a story might end 
  • How to order familiar events in stories and play and steps in an everyday task
  • Ways to invent a new story and represent it through art, writing, drama, dance, information technology desired expression
  • How to group and name objects to increase their English vocabulary
  • How to count from 1 to 20 and recognise numbers, in order.
  • They’ll find ways to describe their feelings, abilities, likes and dislikes
  • How to use phonics to link sounds to letters, begin to segment sounds in simple words and blend them together to read
  • How to use a pencil effectively to form letters and write short sentences.