We promote the development of social enterprise and social investment to help foster a more sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future for us all. 

Our Social Enterprise programme draws on UK expertise, striving to share best practice and create opportunities between the UK and other countries. Our Social Enterprise programme collaborates with UK, international and local partners to deliver: 

  • Policy and Government Engagement 
  • Capacity Building for Social Entrepreneurs
  • Integration with Education Systems 
  • Innovative Use of Social Enterprise for International Development

We believe that being entrepreneurial is much more than just doing a deal. It’s also about creating the ideal: empowering your community and solving social problems. Being part of our Social Enterprise programme means your social enterprise can be part of a growing international network.

Upcoming events and activities

We promote the development of social enterprise and social investment to help foster a more sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future for us all.  

Thai-UK University Curriculum Development 'Buddy' Programme