City/Town: Aberdeen
Region: Scotland
Level of study:
- Pathways to higher education
- Undergraduate
- Postgraduate taught course
- Postgraduate research (e.g. MPhil, PhD)
- English course
Aberdeen is the fifth oldest university in the UK with an academic reputation spanning more than 500 years, and we are pleased to announce that Aberdeen is now listed in the top 150 universities in the world. There has never been a more exciting time to embark on studies at the University of Aberdeen. We have taken bold new steps to further enhance the student experience on offer at Aberdeen and our aim is to develop the learning and support services that we provide to ensure that our students have the opportunities to gain the skills to succeed in the global market place. This includes the completion of our Olympic standard sports centre, the opening of our new flagship library for the 21st century, and the implementation of a new curriculum for students. The University has taken significant steps to modernise the structure, content, delivery and flexibility of our degree programmes to make sure that Aberdeen graduates leave the University academically excellent and intellectually flexible, whilst also being critical thinkers, effective communicators, and active citizens prepared for the challenges of the 21st century. The University has a student population of around 14,500, and welcomes 120 different nationalities to its campus. Over 550 undergraduate degree programmes and over 140 taught Master postgraduate programmes are available across the areas of Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, and Sciences.