Image of a man with an AR device

In this session, academic speakers from Cranfield University, the University of Exeter, Staffordshire University and the University of Teesside will introduce the UK's computer science and game design courses, development in the industry, and exciting opportunities for students both during and after their studies. Moreover, a panel of current and former students will also share insider information on what it is like to study computer science and game design in the UK. 

After the presentations, participating universities will provide further information about their institutions, course offerings, scholarships opportunities, and other topics in individual Zoom breakout rooms. You will be able to ask them any questions directly. 


10.30 GMT Webinar begins
10.35-11.45 GMT

Expert Panel Discussion         

  • Computational Science and Engineering: Cross-disciplinary education and careers
    by Dr Irene Moulitsas, Cranfield University  
  • Challenges & Opportunities: Careers in Computer Science
    by Dr Hugo Barbosa, University of Exeter
  • Code and Creativity: Careers in Computing and Games 
    by Prof Christopher Headleand, Staffordshire University 
  • Study and Career Options in Computer Science 
    by Dr Gordon Marshall, Teesside University
  • Q&A (10 minutes) 
11.45-12.15 GMT

Students Sharing 

A day in my life at my university  

  • Xiao Wen (Mainland China), MSc in Software Engineering for Technical Computing, Cranfield University  
  • Brian Wong (Hong Kong), College of Engineering, Maths, and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter  
  • Michael Ma (Hong Kong), Games Design, Staffordshire University  
  • Patricia Rodriguez Castelo (Philippines), MSc Applied Data Science, Teesside University 
  • Q&A (10 minutes) 
12.15-12.30 GMT

Breakout sessions  

  • Online Open Session: Studying at Cranfield University  
  • Online Open Session: Studying at University of Exeter 
  • Online Open Session: Studying at Staffordshire University  
  • Online Open Session: Studying at Teesside University

Speaker Profile

Dr Irene Moulitsas  
Senior Lecturer in Scientific Computing  
Centre for Computational Engineering Sciences  
Cranfield University  

Dr Irene Moulitsas received her PhD in Scientific Computation from the University of Minnesota in USA and a BSc in Mathematics, with emphasis on Computational Mathematics, from the University of Crete in Greece. She joined Cranfield University in 2012 and is currently a Senior Lecturer in Scientific Computing and the Course Director for the MSc in Computational Software Techniques in Engineering.

Irene's research has focused on developing novel algorithms for enabling the efficient execution of large scientific computations on parallel processing platforms. She has developed highly efficient serial and parallel algorithms, and software, that are publicly available for use. Her research work is published in highly selective conferences and international journals and her software packages are used extensively by numerous universities, research laboratories, and companies. [Profile

Dr Hugo Barbosa 
Lecturer in Human Dynamics and Urban Systems
University of Exeter 

Hugo Barbosa is transdisciplinary scientist whose focus is on data-driven methods and models to complex human behaviours and their interaction with social, economic and physical urban complex systems. He has a background in Computer Science and Engineering with large experience in bio-inspired computing, complex networks, machine learning, geospatial data analysis and agent-based modelling. He was a postdoctoral associate at the Physics and Astronomy Department of the University of Rochester, NY and is an alumni of the prestigious Santa Fé Institute Complex Systems Summer School. [Profile

Prof Christopher J Headleand 
Head of Games Design and Technology 

School of Digital, Technologies and Arts 
Staffordshire University 

Prof Headleand is a Computing and Video Games academic with over 20 years' experience in a variety of teaching and learning roles. His research focuses on Virtual Reality, and Visualisation, and he is internationally recognised expert in student engagement. He was awarded a prestigious National Teaching Fellowship in 2021. [Profile

Dr Gordon Marshall 
Associate Dean (International), School of Computing, Engineering & Digital Technologies 
Teesside University  

Dr Gordon Marshall is the Associate Dean (International) in the School of Computing, Engineering & Digital Technologies at Teesside University. 

His first degree is Applied Mathematics from Dundee University which led on to PhD in Computational Fluid Dynamics at Teesside University, working with a global company designing and installing power stations. An avid learner by taking up MBA part-time which helped him develop a strategic view of higher education. 

His current teaching covers modules in: Mathematics; Information Security & Cybercrime; Computer and Mobile Technologies; Network Architecture.